Hack THe Food : Food Business

March 9 - 11 Maalaisten talo, Simonkatu 6, Helsinki, Finland

Frustrated in the food delivery system? Feel bad about food e-commerce not working? Hate how bad the food marketing is? Know how the Finnish food business should be handled?

Come hack the food business with us!

This time it’s not about the food itself, it’s about the business around food. We want to hack the logistics, e-commerce, marketing, business models, exports and internalisation around food.

Join the 50 people for a hackathon with a target to disrupt the old. We will have keynote speakers to present their experiences, expert mentors from the current businesses (yes, you can challenge them too) and enthusiastic people to work together with. There will be some nice prizes from our partners, but you should really be there if you want to change something in the current system. Can you hack the food business? Apply now before the seats are taken!



Key note speakers (more coming up!)

Tino has background in entertainment, marketing and  years before Two dads, he was working with food retailers private labels and shopper marketing.

Tino Singh
CEO, founder,  Two Dads

Matti is the CEO and a driving force behind many concepts such as A21 Decades, Kellohalli, Flavour Studio and Starter Restaurant. With a strong background in marketing and branding, Matti knows both strategy and reality.

Matti Santala
CEO, CO-founder. A21 

Mikko is finance & business development professional with deep experience and understanding of the needed efforts to commercialize innovative concepts into industry changing businesses. Msc. and Chef with Michelin rated kitchen background.  

Mikko Kärkkäinen
CFO, Epic Foods

Limited seats available


Event is organized by MTK, Founders Institute and the Rural Network of Finland.

Leena Markiet


Contact: @mtk.fi

Janne Saarikko

Founder Institute

Marko Mäki-Hakola


Heidi Siivonen



Questions? Send us an email